Geophysical Analysis Lab

seafloor-based seismology

Science & Nature

seismology, geophysics, oceanography, interdisciplinary approach

subduction earthquakes; T-Phase analysis, tsunamigenetic events
seismic energy transporting between hydropshere and solid earth; 
ocean ambient noise, infrafravity;
tidal attribution: internal tide, currents;
lithospheric deformation in response to plate convergence; 


Ocean Bottom Seismometer, abbr. OBS;
bottom pressure recorder, NOAA/DART; pressure gagues

  1. Chang, E.T.*, Y.‐C. Gung, and Y.‐N. Chen (2023). Seismic Ambient Noise: Application to Taiwanese Data, Page 17-30, in AGU book series: "Noisy Oceans: Monitoring Seismic and Acoustic Signals in the Marine Environment ". Issue in 2023, ISBN: 978-1-119-75089-5; ISBN: 978-1-119-75091-8 (Editors: Gaye Bayrakci and Frauke Klingelhoefer) 
  2. Chang, E.T.*, Mozziconacci, L. Outer trench slope extension to frontal wedge compression in a subducting plate. Earth Planets Space 74, 102 (2022). [MOST 110-2611-M-002-012 –.]
  3. Tzuyi Lien; Emmy T. Chang*, Cheinway Hwang; Ching-Chung Cheng; Rou-Fei Chen; Chung-Hsiang Mu (2022). Delineating a volcanic aquifer using groundwater-induced gravity changes in the Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 33:31
  4. Daocheng Yu, Cheinway Hwang*, Ole Baltazar Andersen, Emmy T.Y. Chang, Lucile Gaultier (2021). Gravity recovery from SWOT altimetry using geoid height and geoid gradient. Remote Sensing of Environment. RSE-D-20-02374R2


Emmy Tsuiyu CHANG

geophysicist, seismologist

Office 314, Division of Marine Geology & Geophysics

Institute of oceanography, National Taiwan University


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